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Fritt Helsevalgs klage på vitaminforbudet til EFTA/ESA

Den 14. november sendte Fritt Helsevalg klage til EFTA/ESA.

Vi oppdaget at Norge, v/Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet hadde fått svarfrist til den 15. november med å komme med forklaring på den nye loven om vitaminforbudet pga. klagen EFTA/ESA hadde mottatt. Vi mente det er viktig å handle og håper at vår klage ble tatt hensyn til.

Det ser lysere ut allerede. I dag snudde regjeringen i vitaminsaken. Det er nå fritt fram for vitaminimport.

«Vitaminene reguleres fra nå som næringsmidler og kan dermed privatimporters.
Dette viser at det nytter å si fra. Vi er veldig fornøyd
med måten departementet har håndtert dette på,» sier Kari Kjønaas Kjos (Frp).

Vi i Fritt Helsevalg ser på dette som fantastiske nyheter, men arbeidet vårt er langt fra ferdig. Dette gjelder kun vitaminer, og med såpass lave grenseverdier at her det fortsatt en lang vei å gå. For ikke å snakke om naturmidler, urter, homeopatiske midler etc.
Dette er utrolig inspirerende og gir virkelig tro på eget arbeid. Vi i Fritt Helsevalg vil benytte anledningen til takke alle som har bidratt på hver sin måte, også til alle som er med oss i tankene. Deres sak er vår sak!

Rettferdighet til folket!

Her kan du lese klagebrevet i sin helhet:

EFTA Surveillance Authority
B-1040 Brussels

14th. 2015                                                              Oslo, October

Complaint about Norway’s new law that prohibits vitamins and
supplements, herbs, homeopathic medicine and violates the free trade
deal with EU.

Fritt Helsevalg is an independent membership organization
working for the improvement of public health through the right to
free choice in health issues. Our mission is to grow as a speaker
for consumers and others interested in health and health
freedom. We will secure the right to choose freely among
available therapies, as well as access to health-promoting dietary
supplements, vitamins and minerals.

On October 1st. 2015 Norway implemented a new law which forbids import
of dietary supplements that contains more nutrients than the Norwegian
maximum limits. We believe this law violates EU’s laws, both as dietary
supplement and the principle of free circulation are concerned.

Norway is already one of the most restrictive countries in the world in this
regard. The law makes no distinction between drugs, medicines and
dietary supplements.

On behalf of thousands of despairing Norwegian citizens, not allowed to
buy their vitamins supply from valid and respected net companies,
we inform that Norway is, according to our opinion, violating their free trade
deal with EU. Doing so, they are dawdling the whole process in hope to
postpone the deadline to 2019, before having to act on this new law that
makes vitamins, supplements and herbs into medicine that needs

The products in the pharmacies in Norway may cost up to 10 times
what users were allowed to buy from net shops in EU before the new law
was enforced on October 1st 2015. Only a few brands are available.

That means we have no rights to choose our own brands of vitamins.
We need a doctor’s prescription and can only buy vitamins in pharmacies within
their choice of brands.
We really hope you can help us put a stop to this situation as soon as
possible. Our Human Rights are also violated by this new law, precisely, the
Human Rights Convention § 8. Doing so Norway is ignoring the
international commitment they have signed and agreed to follow.

We are looking forward to receiving your answer,

Yours sincerely,


Britt Hansen

Chairman of the Board


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